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Песня «Sandrider» (скачать mp3) вышла на альбоме «Space Metal» голландской группы Star One. Прочитать интервью с создателем группы можно здесь.

Выражается благодарность за то, что рассказал о проекте и поделился песней. Спасибо!


I have seen visions in a waking dream
I have seen places man has never seen
Am I the one to fulfil the prophecy
On the desert planet in our galaxy

Sandrider, stormfighter
Unlock the chains and set us free
Sandrider, uniter
Guide us the way and make us see

I have seen navigators bridging space
I have seen the baron and his evil ways
Forging plans against the planet's nomad tribes
And in this dream I've seen my father die

[Nomad girl:]
Drink the water of life
The sleeper comes alive
Drink the water of life
Only you'll survive

I have seen the creatures in the desert sand
I have seen them yielding under my command
One day the universe will be cleansed
One day my father's death will be avenged


Дюна: Пряный Мир
Фантастические Цитаты
Шамтеран - мир техники и магии

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